



時(shí)間進(jìn)入11月下旬,又有一批英國(guó)Top 院校的熱門專業(yè)臨近DDL!新姐為大家匯總了即將截止申請(qǐng)的專業(yè)及截止日期,還沒(méi)有提交申請(qǐng)的你,抓緊機(jī)會(huì)上車吧!


  • 曼徹斯特大學(xué)


Alliance Manchester Business School

● MSc Accounting*

● MSc Accounting and Finance*

● MSc Finance*

● MSc Quantitative Finance

● MSc International Business and Management*

● MSc Business Analysis and Strategic Management

● MSc Management*

● MSc Sustainable Business

● MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship

● MSc Digital Marketing*

● MSc Marketing*

● MSc Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management

● MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis*

● MSc Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

● MSc International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations

● MSc Organisational Psychology

● MSc Business Psychology

School of Environment, Education and Development

● MSc Development Economics and Policy

● MSc Development Finance

● MSc Global Development (Development Management)

● MSc Global Development (Globalisation, Trade & Industry)

● MSc Human Resource Development (International Development)

● MSc Human Resource Management (International Development)

● MSc International Development: Public Policy and Management

● MSc Management and Implementation of Development Projects

● MSc Management and Information Systems: Change and Development

● MA Digital Technologies, Communication and Education

● MA Educational Leadership

● MA International Education

● MA International Education (Globalisation and International Development)

● MA International Education (Higher Education)

● MA International Education (TESOL)

● MEd Psychology of Education

● MSc Real Estate Asset Management

● MSc Real Estate Development

● MSc Urban Design and International Planning

School of Social Sciences

● MSc Data Science (Applied Urban Analytics)

● MSc Data Science (Business and Management)

● MSc Data Science (Computer Science Data Informatics)

● MSc Data Science (Environmental Analytics)

● MSc Data Science (Mathematics)

● MSc Data Science (Social Analytics)

● MA Economics

● MSc Economics

● MSc Financial Economics

● MA International Political Economy (Standard)

● MA International Relations (Standard)

● MA Political Economy (Standard Route)

● MSc Social Research Methods and Statistics

● LLM Corporate Governance

● LLM Healthcare Ethics and Law

● LLM Intellectual Property Law

● LLM International Business and Commercial Law

● LLM International Economic Law

● LLM International Financial Law

● LLM Law

● LLM Public International Law

● LLM Security and International Law

● LLM Transnational Dispute Resolution

● MA Visual Anthropology

  • 南安普頓大學(xué)




● Economics(MRes)

● Economics(MSc)

● Finance and Econometrics (MSc)

● Finance and Economics (MSc)


● Business and Heritage Management (MSc)

● Cultural Heritage Studies (MA)

● Cultural Heritage Studies (Heritage and Museums)(MA)

● Cultural Heritage Studies (Heritage and Public History)(MA)

● Cultural Heritage Studies (Heritage and the Arts) (MA)


● English Literary Studies (MA)

● English Literary Studies (Eighteenth Century)(MA)

● English Literary Studies (Nineteenth Century) (MA)

● English Literary Studies (Postcolonial and World Literatures)(MA)

● English Literary Studies (Twentieth Century and Contemporary) (MA)

● Global Literary Industries Management (MA)

Film studies學(xué)院

● Film and Cultural Management (MA)

● Film Studies (MA)


● History (MA)

Languages, cultures and linguistics

● ELT/TESOL Studies (MA)

● English Language Teaching TESOL(MA)

Winchester School of Art

● Arts and Cultural Leadership (MA)

● Communication Design (MA)

● Contemporary Curating (MA)

● Fashion Design (MA)

● Fashion Management (MA)

● Fashion Marketing and Branding (MA)

● Fine Art(MA)

● Global Advertising and Branding (MA)

● Global Media Management (MA)

School of Electronics and Computer Science

● Artificial Intelligence (MSc)

● Computer Science (MSc)

● Cyber Security (MSc)

● Data Science (MSc)

● Electrical Power Systems (MSc)

● Electronic Engineering(MSc)

Mechanical engineering

● Computational Engineering Design (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science)(MSc)

● Engineering Materials (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science)(MSc)

Education School學(xué)院

● Education (MSc)

● Education Management and Leadership (MSc)

● Education Practice and lnnovation (MSc


以上專業(yè)截止日期或有可能提前/延后,會(huì)根據(jù)申請(qǐng)量/offer量/接受比例等因素對(duì)熱門專業(yè)的截止日期進(jìn)行“動(dòng)態(tài)調(diào)整”, 建議有意向的同學(xué)提前規(guī)劃提交申請(qǐng)。

  • 利茲大學(xué)


School of Computing

● MSc Advanced Computer Science

● MSc Advanced Computer Science (Cloud Computing)

● MSc Advanced Computer Science (Data Analytics)

● MSc Advanced Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence)

School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

● MSc(Eng) Communications and Signal Processing

● MSc(Eng) Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems

● MSc(Eng) Electronic and Electrical Engineering

● MSc(Eng) Embedded Systems Engineering

● MSc(Eng) Engineering Technology and Business Management

● MSc(Eng)Mechatronics and Robotics

School of Earth and Environment

● MSc Ecological Economics

● MSc Environment and Development

● MSc Sustainability and Business

● MSc Sustainability and Consultancy

● MSc Sustainable Cities

School of Civil Engineering

● MSc(Eng) Engineering Project Management

● MSc(Eng) International Construction Management and Engineering

School of Media and Communication

● MA Communication and Media

● MA Digital Media

● MA Film, Photography and Media

● MA International Communication

● MA International Journalism

● MA Media Industries

● MA Political Communication

● MA Promotional Media

School of Geography

● Environmental Data Science and Analytics MSc

● Geographical Information Systems MSc

● Urban Data Science and Analytics MSc

School of Design

● MA Advertising and Design

● MA Art and Design

● MA Design

● MA Digital Design Futures

● MA Fashion, Enterprise and Society

● MA Global Fashion Management

MSc Textile Sustainability and Innovation● School of Performance and Cultural Industries

● MA Culture, Creativity and Entrepreneurship

  • 諾丁漢大學(xué)


Accounting and Finance MSc

● MSc Business and Management

● MSc Marketing

● MSc Finance and Investment

● MSc Human Resource Management and Organisation

  • 布里斯托大學(xué)


● MSc Accounting, Finance and Management

● MSc Management

● MSc Management (Marketing)

● MSc Management (Digitalisation and Big Data)  

● MSc Management (International Human Resource Management)

● MSc Global Operations and Supply Chain Management

更多關(guān)于DDL申請(qǐng)的問(wèn)題歡迎撥打咨詢電話進(jìn)行咨詢 。曼大/布大/利茲/南安/諾丁漢...英國(guó)熱門院校碩士DDL匯總!


評(píng)論 丨 共0個(gè)

